In our society today, a society heavily influenced by new media (and almost fully run by new media), file sharing is another way we as humans stay connected and interact with each other. When one mentions file sharing, they mean the ability to send and receive digital files (documents, pictures, videos, links, etc) through the use of the internet (in other words, using the "cloud" or "air") from one device to another. A few examples of this could be airdropping pictures from one iPhone to another using Apple's iCloud, sharing files or folders with other people using Google Drive, or even the group work option on Blackboard, where a group of students can share files, submissions, etc with each other. When people mention the umbrella term of file sharing, one branch that comes up is P2P file sharing. P2P file sharing simply means peer to peer file sharing. This basically means that there is a digital distribution of these files and other media between two or more individuals, allowing these individuals to access the files shared at their own will (something like Google Drive). 

One example of P2P file sharing comes from media piracy. In todays society, any movie or show that comes out can be found for free on select websites. These websites posts and shares pirated copies of these shows and movies (sometimes movies that are still in theaters) and allows the interconnected world of the internet to view them. In the article, "Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios", by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone, they mention how new media piracy through P2P file sharing has caused a burden on Hollywood (just as Napster caused a burden on the music industry). According to the authors, "A wave of streaming sites, which allow people to start watching video immediately without transferring a full copy of the movie or show to their hard drive, are making it easier than ever to watch free Hollywood content online." During the early emergence of new media, the P2P file sharing of movies, music, and shows had to be via downloads. Now, with the emergence of pirated streaming, it is even easier to watch movies and shows online for free, and even harder to catch the individuals sharing these movies and shows.  Truly, P2P file sharing has helped many people, but has also hurt others like Hollywood and the music industry.

Stelter, Brian, and Brad Stone. “Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 5 Feb. 2009, www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/business/media/05piracy.html.


  1. Hey Roshen, I am an avid user of P2P and one of the examples that you brought up was the "airdrop" system. For all Apple users, it is extremely easy to ease and it is much faster to share pictures, notes, and files especially since it does not require you to log into an email and do all the minor requirements.


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