Next New

When looking at the world today as 2018 comes to a close, its amazing to see all of the new and innovative things that are integrated into our society. Pretty much all of these things are related to new media, whether it be social media everywhere or people taking calls with their small AirPods. It almost seems impossible to find some kind of new media that doesn't exist today. What I would suggest that doesn't exist today would be similar to the music app Shazam, where  you can look up any song you hear. I suggest an app where, like Shazam, you would scan any song you hear outside, but instead of just finding out the artist and title, you find out who the producer is, what instruments, equipment they used to produce the song (like the workstations used, or the mics used), and other studio equipment used for the song. I feel that something like this will be extremely helpful to the millions of aspiring musicians and producers trying to learn or get inspired. Imagine if you could use this app to scan one of your favorite producers songs, and learn the equipment they used to achieve the sound you love.


  1. Hi Roshen's,

    I think that this is an amazing idea! Having a new media like this would combine so many databases and resources into one so it is easier to find information about that particular music details, such as the producer, instruments, equipment and so on. This system also seems like it will be more efficient. I also do agree with you that this will be very helpful music lover. Great idea!

  2. I absolutely love this idea Roshen. Shazam is great and all, but for music enthusiast, they would love to be able to find out more regarding a song. There are individuals out there who would love to find out more about what type of instruments were used to produce certain notes and this causes listeners to go crazy without knowing about the truth.

  3. This sounds great!. The features of scanning the song playing outside and be able to tell the name of the song and the artist are already amazing. If the app can also show more detailed information about the song and the producer, it would be a lot more useful especially when it comes to the problem of digital right. A lot of us just ignore the source of the song and the effort made by the producer and the artist when we listen to a new song. This can definitely help to protect their rights and bring credit to them.


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