
If I had the chance to be hired by Baruch College for the purpose of implementing new media to improve the college experience, I would have many suggestions. For starters, I would suggest the implementation of some kind of cloud based connection between all students taking a certain class (regardless of the professor). This could be something as simple as a shared Google Drive or some other file sharing service. I believe something like this would make the learning process within a certain subject much more comprehensive as the students now have access to the subject in the perspective of other professors (which could end up helping students learn the material a lot better). I would also suggest some kind of app or social media integration which allows all Baruch students to stay connected with the club life on campus. Club life is a great way to meet so many people but so many Baruch student's don't take advantage of it. This is because a lot of them just don't know what events happen when and what clubs actually exist. Having an app with real time events and updates for all chartered clubs will definitely increase club life participation within Baruch. The last thing I would suggest is forming some kind of online forum directly connected with the Office of Student Life where students can ask whatever questions or concerns they have to the Office of Student Life in regards to problems they notice (instead of waiting for the problem to fix itself like our Wi-Fi).


  1. Hi Roshen!

    I agree with many of the things that you mentioned in this post. However, Baruch actually does have an app! It is not up to date with current social media standards but it is definitely something. I don't think that the app even mentions anything about clubs and club life on it. I think that it would be a great idea to update and fix this up so that students can actually make use of it. Great points!



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