
Throughout history, creativity has been fostered within individuals through many different means. It has been seen that some things foster creativity more than others. One of these things that greatly foster creativity is new media. Ever since new media began to emerge all those years ago, we have seen an age of amazing creativity, whether it be in music, education, technology, medicine, etc. Personally, I am a big fan of the creativity new media fostered in terms of the music world. New media has given us new and brilliant ways to hear and create music. In the article, 1+1-1=1, by Sasha Frere-Jones, we are introduced to the idea of mashups. A mashup is a form (or even genre) of music where an individual takes two songs, musical performances (most of the times completely unrelated to each other) and somehow combine them into one song making both pieces work with each other in harmony. The fact that all music is much more accessible now makes it easier to create things like mashups which require being able to sift through a multitude of songs.

This also directly relates to another way of making music heavily influenced by new media. The idea of sampling is very similar to a mashup. It is when an individual takes portions of another song (or even an entire song), manipulate the sample they got in different ways, and add different things to it like some new drums, a bass line, a piano part, new vocals, etc. Sampling is most popularly used by famous hip-hop producers like Kanye West and J-Dilla. New media gives producers access to thousands of songs that they can use to create a sample, which leads to these producers doing extremely creative things. One of the most creative uses of sampling I have seen comes from the song "Little Brother" by Black Star, produced by J-Dilla. For this song, J-Dilla took the song Roy Ayers Ubiquity's "Ain't Got Time" and used is as the sample for the beat to "Little Brother". What he managed was to take every tiny moment from the song "Ain't Got Time" where there wasn't any talking or vocals (like when Roy Ayers took a breath for example), and chopped it all up and arranged it into one continuous loop, which created a beautiful sample. Truly, new media is something that fosters all kinds of creativity.

Works Cited:

Frere-Jones, Sasha. “1 1 1 = 1.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 20 June 2017,


  1. Hey Roshen, I love what you said about the the music industry. With new media, it allows music producers to be able to create mashups that have sometimes been great, and sometimes not too good.


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